Block Model Creation

This application lets users create Block Model objects through a Dash interface.


New user? Visit the Getting Started page.

Project Selection

Use the upload button to connect to an existing geoh5 project file containing data.


Select a ui.json input file to re-load parameters from. See the Input ui.json section for details.


Press Upload Workspace/ui.json to display a menu contaning the hard-drive directory. After navigating to the desired geoh5 or ui.json file, press Open to confirm the selection.

Press Cancel to abandon navigation and return to the current geoh5.

Object Selection

The object dropdown menus can be used to select from the objects in the target workspace.


Note: The list of available objects is preceded by the group name they belong to (e.g. Workspace/geochem), such that multiple objects with the same name can easily be differentiated.

Parameter Selection

Input parameters used to create the Block Model.

Minimum cell size

Grid cell size (m) along the x, y and z-axis.

Core depth

Depth of the core region of the grid.

Horizontal padding

Padding cell size (m) outside the core region, in the West, East, North, and South directions.

Bottom padding

Padding cell size (m) below the core region.

Expansion Factor

Rate of expansion in padding cells determined by: \(h_x = h_0 * \alpha^{[0, 1, ..., N_c]}\)


The Export button saves the Block Model to the Output path.


Input ui.json

This application relies on a structured json file to store and run the program.

The input ui.json file can be used to run the program from command line:

activate geoapps
python -m geoapps.block_model_creation.driver [YourInputName].ui.json

or directly from Geoscience ANALYST Pro v3.3.1 or higher.

The ui.json can also be used to re-load the parameters from a previous run by selecting the ui.json file from the Project Selection button, instead of a geoh5 file.

Geoscience ANALYST Pro v3.4

Users with an active Geoscience ANALYST Pro license (v3.4) can execute this application directly from an active session with a drag & drop of a *.ui.json file to the Viewport.

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