Base Application

This Base Application handles the interaction with a Geoscience ANALYST geoh5 project file - from reading to writing data.

New user? Visit the Getting Started page.

Interactive widgets shown below are for demonstration purposes only.

To create the application simply:

from geoapps.base.application import BaseApplication
app = BaseApplication(h5file=r"../../../assets/FlinFlon.geoh5")

Here we included the argument h5file with the relative path to the target .geoh5 file so that the application could start directly with the correct workspace.

Project Panel

The project panel lets users browse the system for the selection of a geoh5. It can also be used to select a *.ui.json input file to re-load parameters from.

Press Change to display a menu contaning the hard-drive directory. After navigating to the desired geoh5 file, press Change again to confirm the selection.

Press Cancel to abandon navigation and return to the current geoh5.

Note: Single left-click for selection.

(Adapted from ipyfilechoose)

[2]: # Change click

(Options) Create copy

Pressing Create Copy will generate a copy of the geoh5 file in the same directory and connect to it instead of the original. Useful to preserve a clean state of the original Geoscience ANALYST project.

Output Panel

Generic trigger Compute button and text field for naming the output entity generated by the application.

app.live_link.value = True # Checkbox click